In Houston, winter may be milder than in other parts of the country, but that doesn’t mean you can skip pre-winter HVAC maintenance. HVAC tune-up services ensure your home stays comfortable during chilly spells, let you save on energy bills, and extend the life of your equipment. Here are some essential winter HVAC preparation tips for Houston homeowners.
Cool Care Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘HVAC Maintenance’
Pre-Winter HVAC Tips for Houston Homes
Monday, November 18th, 2024November Maintenance: Invest in Maintaining Your HVAC Technology Now
Monday, November 11th, 2024November is a quintessential fall month. The leaves are brilliant colors, garden vegetables are all ready to be harvested and canned, and you might be gearing up to have an excellent Thanksgiving dinner. Unfortunately, it’s also before some of the windy chilly nights and ice storms hit our area.
This is why we push HVAC maintenance in Houston, TX so much. It’s an opportunity for us to change air filters, improve efficiency, and even make sure the system is ready to be there for you when temperatures fluctuate.
It might seem like it’s too late for maintenance, but we assure you it’s not. We can even maintain your air conditioner in preparation for next year. We’re even offering a promotional tune-up for $49 through December 15th for those who call now!
What Steps do Technicians Go through for Heating Maintenance?
Monday, November 9th, 2020
When you live in Houston, you probably get tired of hearing people say, “Wow it’s so hot there!” While it’s true, most people outside our great state don’t realize that our winters pack quite the punch. As a result, we need heating systems that can keep up, right?
If you want your heater to keep you and your family comfortable this fall and winter, then it is absolutely essential that you schedule regular heating maintenance with our professionals. Professional heating maintenance is a lot more involved than many people realize, and is definitely not a DIY project.
There are some basic maintenance steps you can take on your own. Like your air filter—you should be changing it every 1-3 months during periods when you use your heater. You can also make sure the area surrounding your heater is clear of debris or clutter. This is true whether you have a furnace, heat pump, or even a boiler. While these are important steps for homeowners to take, it barely scratches the surface of professional heating maintenance.
It’s That Time: Get a Heating Tune-Up Scheduled!
Monday, September 28th, 2020
It’s September. We still have plenty of warm weather left and it’s not like we get blizzard conditions like other parts of the country. Still though, when winter does roll around again and you need heat in your home, you’ll be thankful for a fully efficient and effectively operating heating system. The only way to ensure this is actually the case is by getting heating maintenance on your schedule now.
The reason we recommend heating maintenance in the fall is because it’s before you need your system the most–before it goes through all the work it takes to keep your living space comfortable. Of course, consistency is what matters most here. The more consistent you are with routine heating maintenance, the less chance there is of having an unexpected emergency repair need. For a deeper dive into what professional maintenance entails, explore what steps technicians go through during heating maintenance. Read on to learn some of the benefits of heating maintenance.